Executive Search Worldwide
Créé il y a plus de 30 ans, le réseau IIC Partners est présent en Europe, Asie-Pacifique et Amériques et compte 45 bureaux répartis dans 33 pays. Il figure parmi les 8 plus grands réseaux mondiaux de conseil en recrutement par approche directe.
Recruter à l'international
La recherche de dirigeants, d’experts ou d’administrateurs et le développement d’équipes multiculturelles sont au cœur des préoccupations des entreprises dans une économie largement mondialisée.
Conscient de cette réalité, Progress Associés a structuré une démarche internationale et se positionne comme un des membres actifs d’IIC Partners depuis 1994.
IIC Partners est une organisation composée de cabinets indépendants, qui comptent parmi les leaders de leur marché. L’esprit entrepreneurial de l’organisation et la mutualisation des savoir-faire permettent d’offrir aux clients un service sur-mesure et adapté à leurs besoins, qu’ils soient nationaux, régionaux ou internationaux.
Expertise sectorielle internationale
Dans le domaine de l’Executive Search, l’expertise sectorielle est essentielle pour mener à bien les missions de recherche et de recrutement de dirigeants qui nous sont confiées, c’est pourquoi IIC Partners s’est doté de huit practices :
- Aviation, aérospatial & défense,
- Education supérieure,
- Energie,
- Grande Consommation & Distribution,
- Services Financiers,
- Sciences de la vie & santé,
- Technologie, digitalisation & innovation,
- Ressources humaines.
Practices transversales
IIC Partners a également créé des practices dédiées aux activités transversales :
- Conseils d’administration,
- Leadership Advisory.
Les membres de ces practices sont les spécialistes de chaque pays. Cette organisation permet le partage d’informations, de tendances et surtout la conduite de missions internationales.
IIC Partners est capable de mobiliser pour ses clients l’ensemble des ressources et des compétences internationales nécessaires à l’aboutissement des missions de recrutement et de conseil.
IIC Partners
- CFO Essentials: 7 Trends for 2025IIC Partners member firm, B. Riley Farber, just completed a fascinating research piece on the evolving role of the CFO. Here are the top seven trends for 2025 to watch out for: 1. Strategic Focus: Companies are prioritizing CFO hires who can drive business strategy...
- Central Europe Executive Search Market Outlook 2025This report calls on IIC Partners search consultants from five countries in Central Europe – Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia – to explore the executive search industry outlook and emerging HR trends for 2025. Over the last year, the executive search industry faced...
- Executive Mobility ReportWe surveyed more than 300 executives to understand career mobility motivations and trends. Understanding the driving forces behind executive mobility provides valuable insights for companies looking to attract and retain top talent. This is particularly relevant when 86% of executives are open to considering new...
- Interview with Sam Dinte on the Defense IndustryWe recently interviewed Sam Dinte, President of Dinte Executive Search and Vice Chair, Australia & Asia Pacific at IIC Partners, to discuss the global defense industry. Sam shared how geopolitical shifts are reshaping defense strategies and spurring unprecedented growth in defense budgets in countries like...
- Interview with Richard Jackson on the Aerospace IndustryDuring our Global Conference in Athens, we interviewed Richard Jackson, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of JacksonGrant Executive (IIC Partners) on the rapidly developing aerospace industry. Richard shared insights into the post-pandemic restructuring of supply chains, the industry’s unwavering commitment to net-zero goals by 2050, and...
- 5 Insights on How AI is Shaping the Future of Executive SearchAt our Global Conference and AGM in Athens, Breck Armstrong, Managing Partner, North America at 17 Oranges, delivered an engaging presentation on the impact of AI and Automation on the executive search industry. Breck provided valuable information and best practices while championing IIC Partners’ relationship-first...
- Interview with Romain Jeannottat on the Aviation IndustryWe sat down with Romain Jeannottat, Managing Partner at Level Consulting (IIC Partners: Zurich), to discuss the rapidly evolving aviation industry. Romain shared insights on the recovery of passenger traffic post-pandemic, the drive to reduce environmental impact, and how Swiss airports are embracing new technologies...
- Alfredo Assumpçao Receives Global Recognition with IIC Partners Lifetime Achievement AwardRead in Portuguese > New York, NY – November 25, 2024 – IIC Partners, one of the world’s leading providers of executive search and leadership consulting services, awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award to Alfredo Assumpçao, Founder and Former CEO of FESA Group. The award was...
- IIC Partners Adds Global Office in Atlanta Through Legacy Executive SearchNew York, NY – November 18, 2024 – IIC Partners, a leading provider of executive search and leadership consulting services, is excited to welcome Legacy Executive Search into membership. Headquartered in Atlanta, Legacy Executive Search expands IIC Partners’ service offering in the United States and...
- IIC Partners Adds New Office in the Middle East Through Key2people ExpansionNew York, NY, November 7, 2024 – IIC Partners, a leading provider of executive search and leadership consulting services, has extended its global footprint to Dubai through the expansion of member firm, Key2people. The office is led by Christopher Stokes, Partner at Key2people, and serves...